Now that the regatta is over and the future of Woodstock been overwhelmingly supported by 94 per cent of Dartmouth residents, can someone please tell me what is happening to support Dartmouth Commun­ity Shop and their urgent need for new premises?

It is my understanding that certain councillors are set rigid in their opposition to this charitable endeavour. So much so, that certain advertised premises are mysteriously not being made available to them.

Is there anyone, other than the much-loved Cllr Steve Smith, who will do whatever is necessary to help?

It would even appear that the same sort of negative local forces have been doing whatever they can to spread misleading and derogatory rumours about Dawn and her helpers. 

Apparently there is no need for a venture such as this, in our beautiful town.

I have rarely met such a committed, principled and determined person such as Dawn Shepherd. She has persistently helped hundreds and hundreds of people in this town who have fallen on desperate times – through no fault of their own. 

Having worked quietly – and not so quietly! – for many years, unpaid, and without applause, she is deserving of support. 

We all know people who have been helped back on their feet by her. They live in Dartmouth.

Come on, everyone, stop all the bloody-minded rain dances and give this cause the support it needs!

Linda Goss

Churchfields, Dartmouth