Primary school students have been learning how the symbol of Christianity, the cross, is interpreted ‘a-cross’ various other parts of the globe.

Children from Kingsbridge Community Primary School have joined forces with The Benefice of Kingsbridge, Dodbrooke and West Alvington to create a display featuring different interpretations of the cross.

Years 3-6 visited Dodbrooke Church on a mission to find out more about the meaning behind the most iconic symbol of Christianity. Twenty different forms of cross were displayed for the children to identify.

Over the course of the day, the children investigated various different symbols of Christianity, along with characteristic incense and crafts to utilise all their senses to enhance the experience.

The project is in conjunction with the schools RE curriculum and is timely with the Easter break. Mrs Blake, RE teacher at the school said: “The children learned about the Easter story in a truly informative and interactive way; a wonderful joint venture with our community church. The experience has resulted in some high quality work back in the classroom.”

An interesting experience for these young students before a chocolate-filled Easter break!