South division

KS Cougars 6,

After a close defeat the previous week, KS Cougars left the result in no doubt on Satur­day with a clinical display.

KS got off to a perfect start with two minutes on the clock as captain Chloe Harvey crossed from the left to Fern Tucker at the back post, who set up Laura Kerly for a fine finish.

Maintaining the pressure, KS finished their big first 10 with another goal as Kerly doubled her personal tally.

Caradon looked to contest the midfield and relieve some pressure as Bex Darke, Lou Read and Emily Read worked tirelessly up and down the pitch.

Pushing the Cougars back into their own half with some quickly ta­ken balls and accurate long passing, Rachel Roberts and Gemma Harvey both made early interceptions and put pressure on the break, allowing their midfield to overlap and defend in strength.

Soaking up the Cara­don counters, KS had lost a little of the edge on their earlier passing and took some time to work their way back into attack.

Turning over possession on a Caradon break, Laura Kerly was played through on the 'keeper, angling in at pace from the left as she drove towards goal.

The Caradon 'keeper came piling off her line to meet the charging Cougar head on.

Play was stopped for a quick sense check on the floored striker before she confirmed that all was well. With a quick jog to loosen up, the invincible forward retook the field.

KS extended their lead four minutes later as Helen Symons battled at top D to turn over possession and roll out into space.

Symons slipped to Mel Showler, who showed lovely skill to beat her marker and deliver the perfect cross past a stranded 'keeper for Kerly to take her revenge and complete a first half hat-trick.

With Caradon breaking again at the end of the half, a solid attack saw them score from a short corner.

KS restarted the second half with the pace and intensity they opened the game and soon extended their lead through a slick short corner routine.

Symons received at top D and slipped to Bowes on the right who fired towards goal on the angle.

Kerly got the touch into the roof of the net to take KS 4-1 up.

Symons turned playmaker again five minutes later as she broke from the inside channel to feed Bowes. Her cross was partialy blocked but fell to Chloe Harvey, who slotted home.

Caradon continued to create opportunities around the KS 25 as they looked to score on the counter-attack, but were denied each time by 'keeper Claire Jones.

Closing out the game KS struck again with four minutes to go.

Kerly hassled the Caradon defence and won possession before passing to Symons, who drove into the D and slipped the perfect pass back to the supporting Kerly, who slotted home to round out a dominant 6-1 victory.

Over sumptuous post-match teas at new home pub the Ring O'Bells, player of the match was shared by Gemma Harvey and Bex Darke.

A rock-solid performance from the Cougars delivered at the superb pace they have been playing over the last few games.

Good pressure in the tackle, simple structured passing and quick finishing delivered a deserved win.