Visit Totnes have released details of a number of events planned for D-Day on June 6

10.30am-11.30am - South Devon Railwav, local schoolchildren and Totnes Women’s Institute re-enact what it was like to be an evacuee - Totnes Riverside Station

11.30am - Kathy Alexander D-Day 80 Guided Walk. £5

11.30am- Peter Osborne illustrated talk/Seven Stars

£5 (proceeds to Totes Caring)

1pm- St Mary’s Church Service Commemoration

3.30pm - St John's Community Choir 1940's songs outside St Mary's Church

4pm Commonwealth War Graves Commission presentation in the Guildhall.

6pm - Army Cadets - Readings at St Marys Church War Memorial

(please book tickets in advance) at the Civic Hall. Totnes.

7pm South Devon Big Band free Commemorative Big Band Party (limited numbers- please book in advance) at the Civic Hall, Totnes.

Refreshments provided by Totnes Women's Institute (cash onlv)

9.30pm - Lighting of Beacon (Kingsbridge Hill) - Totnes Town Council

Totnes Cinema films from the period all week

Fashion and Textile Museum displavs including outfits of the period

Twinning Towns Vire and Totes stall under the Butterwalk - timings tbc

Other D-Day 80 events in Totnes

June 3 8pm and June 8 at 11.30am - Totnes Image Bank presents an Illustrated talk given by TIB member and local tourist guide Kathy Alexander for a special D-Day guided walk around Totnes.

The Normandy landings were the landing operations and associated airborne operations on Tuesday, June 6 1944 of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II often referred to as D-Day, it is the largest seaborne invasion in history and has strong South Hams connections.