Many of us love splashing out over the festive period and we’re looking forward to treating ourselves, family and friends. Whether it’s luxury food, fancy gifts or decorating the house, the cost of Christmas with all the trimmings can be a worry – but it doesn’t have to be that way.

From today (December ) 1 a Recycle Devon ‘advent calendar’ will begin – each day they will be sharing a different idea or tip on how to keep keep costs down this Christmas on their Recycle Devon Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts.

On top of our usual monthly spending, it’s estimated that a typical household in the UK will spend almost £1,130 extra this December. This is based on an average spend of £621 on presents and £509 on decorations, food and other Christmas items.

We all deserve a joyful Christmas, but do we really need to spend this much?

Almost a third of us admit to throwing away more food over the festive period than at any other time, with 11 per cent of us buying food that has gone off and been binned before Christmas Day. Making a few small changes such as freezing food, checking use by dates and portion planning can lead to big savings while still enjoying festive food.

Do you buy a new Christmas jumper every year? One in three people aged 35 or under do, leading to a whopping 65 million Christmas jumpers stashed in our wardrobes.

Swapping with friends and family, buying from a charity shop or temporarily transforming one you already own are just a few ways to cut down on cost and unnecessary consumption.

Buying gifts for friends and family can soon add up. Why not reduce costs by opting for Secret Santa instead, or give a gift promise? Offering to babysit, look after a pet, cook a favourite meal or spend time together on a day out can be a thoughtful and much appreciated gift. Perfect for that person who has everything! Have the conversation with friends and family – they may be relieved at saving money too!

Recycle Devon will be sharing tips such as these and much more every day in December. Follow Recycle Devon on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter from today to find out how you can have a magical Christmas without it costing the Earth.

Find out more about reducing, reusing and recycling at