A TIMELINE has been unveiled on the wall of a corridor at Torbay Hospital to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the NHS in July next year.

The timeline reflects on the history of health and social care in South Devon and looks towards what the future might hold.

Unveiled in a ribbon cutting ceremony by Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust chairman, Sir Richard Ibbotson and chief executive Liz Davenport, the timeline is 30ft long and features key dates from the history of healthcare both locally and across the UK.

It captures a host of important milestones, many provided by local residents, visitors, patients and NHS staff who were asked what key dates they would like to see featured.

These range from the opening of the first hospital in Dawlish in 1891, to the building of Dartmouth Health and Wellbeing Centre this year; from the CARRIE (Crisis Assessment and Rapid Reablement for the elderly) project in 1997 which led to the development of the intermediate care service to the hospital’s first day case hip replacement in 2018.

Also included is the formation of the Pharmacy Department in 1970 (which grew into Torbay Pharmaceuticals,) and the introduction of self-referral into musculoskeletal physiotherapy in 2006.

Ms Davenport said: “Our new graphic timeline is a fantastic way of reflecting on where the organisation has come from, who we are today and where we want to be in the future. It has certainly brightened the corridor and I know that visitors and staff alike have already been stopping to read, remember and enjoy.

“Thank you to the ‘building a brighter future’ team for putting it together, our designer and signage provider for making it possible as well as everyone in our local community who contributed and suggested key dates that they would like to see featured.”

The timeline is rounded off with a television screen highlighting some of the organisation’s upcoming developments, including planning activity for the New Hospitals Programme, known locally as ‘building a brighter future’ for Torbay and South Devon.

Sir Ibbotson and Ms Davenport were joined at the timeline’s opening ceremony by hospital governors, and representatives from Torbay Nurses League and hospital leagues of friends.

Legacy, a poem written by local poet Harula Ladd, was recited by health and care strategty director, Dr Joanne Watson.

Sir Ibbotson said: “We have a proud history here in Torbay and South Devon and it is fantastic to see this reflected in our timeline.

“This has been an excellent opportunity to honour our past and celebrate our achievements and milestones, and we equally understand the importance of learning from our mistakes and identifying when things need to change.

“By doing this, we can look towards our brighter future, building on what has gone before.

“It was fantastic that we were able to celebrate the opening with representatives from our hospitals’ leagues of friends, Torbay Nurses League and our governors.”

Vistors to Torbay Hospital can see the timeline on the long corridor from the level 4 main entrance foyer, heading towards Bayview Restaurant.