Ian Phillips, of Moreleigh Road, Harbertonford, writes:
We have just received, through our letterbox a leaflet from Lib-Dem MEP Graham Watson with the invitation to take part in his online opinion survey. I would like to point out the loaded nature of several key questions.
In summary they are:
l Do you support using nuclear power to reduce CO2 emissions?
To say 'yes' or 'no' to this means you are automatically agreeing that CO2 emissions need to be reduced, which many people do not.
l Should British jobs be put at risk by Britain leaving the EU?
However you answer, you are agreeing to the false notion that leaving the EU would put jobs at risk.
l Do you agree with the majority of scientists who are saying that the climate is changing?
We can all agree that the climate is changing, but these days 'climate change' is wrongly made synonymous with 'man made global warming', which is not scientifically supported in the opinion of many prominent scientists.
Another question was, do you support Mr Watson's campaign to save £180m per year on the EU's Brussels/ Strasbourg parliament transport shuttle? To answer this either way implies tacit support for the existence of the EU parliament, and totally ignores the cost to this country of billions of pounds every year in terms of the EU membership fee alone.
Mr Watson is also currently campaigning for EU money to alleviate the problems caused by the Somerset Levels flooding.
This is particularly ironic, as it was the EU's own 'Floods Directive' of October 23, 2007, which has led to the current situation.
This directive was implemented by our Government as the 'Flood Risk Regulations' of 2009, leading to Defra's 'Making space for water' policy.
The Environment Agency is now abandoning the Somerset Levels, and deliberately allowing them to flood, to stay in line with EU policy.