A group of South Hams pensioners are heading to London to take part in a four-day climate protest, and are calling on others to join them.

Known as the Extinction Rebellion Devon Elders, they will be among thousands of people taking their climate emergency message to the streets of the capital from April 21 to 24.

The group says they are determined to do everything they can not just for their own children, but for children everywhere already suffering extreme weather events.

The pensioners are heading to Westminster where they will demand an end to the fossil fuel era, and a citizen-led transformation towards a fair society.

Retired sea captain, Jan Scott, said: “Our generation shoulders a huge responsibility for the harm we have caused.

“People are now fully aware of, and frightened by, the climate and ecological crises. There is a widespread desire for action by the Government and a call for solutions to the climate and nature crisis.

“We need to show that we’re serious about wanting change. We aim to get 100,000 people in front of Parliament, gathering day after day in large numbers to create a moment that’s impossible to ignore.”

More than 60 organisations are expected to join Extinction Rebellion and send a message to the Government. People from all walks of life will gather peacefully in large numbers at the nation’s seat of power.

Over four days, multiple voices will combine to deliver a coherent message - an immediate end to new fossil fuel investment, and a plan prepared by a citizen’s assembly to take the UK out of fossil fuels by 2030 in a way that is “just and fair for everyone”.

Tim Ponton of Totnes, a retired NHS health professional, said: “This is a unique opportunity for people of all political persuasions to come together in common cause.

“The world’s climate scientists have delivered their final warning this month in the UN Synthesis Report.

“The climate and nature crisis is connected to all of our social issues and already affecting us all.

“I have invited my family, friends and neighbours to join me on any day between April 21 and 24.

“I extend the invitation to anyone who cares about our planet, wants to see proper action and wants to tell our leaders. Join us and unite to survive.”

The family-friendly event has been dubbed ‘The Big One.’