A couple have set out on a 1,000-mile walk from Lands End to John O’Groats to raise awareness of Diabetes.

Lisa Sutton, who became a type 1 Diabetic a year ago, and her husband Marcus hatched a plan to raise funds for the charity, Diabetes UK, by walking the famous distance between one extreme of the country to the other.

The couple, who started their walk on St Georges day, April 23, hope to arrive at John O'Groats on Wednesday, July 17, after walking a total of 1,084 miles in 79 days.

Marcus, who cycled LEJOG 10 years ago, said he was looking forward to revisiting the challenge on foot.

“Hopefully we are both physically fit enough. I am very aware that managing my blood sugars on this long distance walk will be a big learning curve,” he said.

The couple, who spent many years living and working in the South Hams before moving back to their native Norfolk, were helped in their quest by Lisa’s former employers, the owners of the Gardencentre retail store, Chris and Philippa Varlow, who arranged a coffee morning and raffle last month on the day before the two embarked on their epic journey, helping to raise £860 in the process.

The gesture was all the more poignant as Ms Varlow is also a type 1 Diabetic.

Ms Varlow said: “It was great to see Lisa and Marcus at the coffee morning, dropping in their way to the start point. We had a fantastic turnout - our Café was packed!”