David Gabriel, chairman, North Huish Parish Council, writes:

I feel bound to reply to Helen Riley’s diatribe against North Huish Parish Council, Gazette, May 6, on the subject of a lack of dog-walking facilities in Avonwick.

I do find it remarkable and symptomatic of the times that Ms Riley presumes that public funds can be made available for her benefit.

Having lived in Avonwick for 26 years, and having many animals and being a horse owner, it would never occur to me that the parish should ­provide for my hobby.

It should be pointed out that Ms Riley has yet to contact the parish council about this matter or attend a council meeting. I believe she may have emailed another committee that has to do with a proposed community hall.

The plain truth is that all of the land in the area is privately owned and the fields are all used for farming. There is no land available for purchase as a public space, and even if there was the parish council has no funds for such a purchase.

Were that ever to happen, the council precept would have to be increased massively along with a huge increase in council tax for all parishioners.

The seven-strong parish council includes three farmers and a veterinary surgeon, all of whom live and work in the countryside tending animals. So to suggest that these so-called ‘elderly’ councillors are somehow anti-dog is perfectly ludicrous.

Perhaps when moving into rural villages people should get out into the countryside to exercise their dogs, provided of course that they are capable of controlling these dogs, which would then not pose a threat to livestock and other people’s pets.

They cannot expect to have a suburban park provided for them as a canine lavatory.